About Us

Gaetano Aiello – Senior Partner
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Christopher Parker – Partner
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Harrison May – Partner
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History Of The Firm
Treloar & Treloar is one of the longest continuously-operating legal practices in South Australia. On 23 April 1923, James Leonard Sydney Treloar (referred to as “JLS” by the firm’s staff) was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of South Australia. On 18 September 1923, he commenced his own firm. He was later joined by his brother Mr Albert Edward Coran Treloar, and the two brothers forged a strong reputation.
After the death of Mr Len Treloar, his two sons Hugh and Lionel carried on the legal practice. They were joined in partnership by Ray Frost, and in 1975 the firm moved to 22 Grenfell Street, from where it operates today.
Over time, a willingness to tackle difficult matters saw our firm develop a reputation as specialists in Deceased Estates and Estate Litigation. Lawyers and members of the public alike turned to Treloar & Treloar to benefit from their experience.
As the firm grew, Pam McEwin, and later Gaetano Aiello, joined as partners. Hugh Treloar passed away in 1991, and Lionel retired in 2007. Recently Ray Frost retired from practice and Pam McEwin stepped out of the partnership, and the partnership is now carried on by Gaetano Aiello, Christopher Parker and Harrison May.
Much has changed in South Australia and in the legal profession over the decades since Treloar & Treloar was founded, but much is still the same. The values on which our firm was founded are still as important and relevant now as then.